Thursday, May 30, 2013


As I was searching for some great songs to add to our roundtable handout- I came across this songbook with lots of great cub scouting songs!
Songs always bring some energy and Fun to Den and Pack Meetings!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cubmaster helps from May Roundtable

Here is a link to The wonderful Cubmaster helps from Roundtable!  Hope these are helpful for you!

Friday, May 3, 2013

May's Roundtable Newsletter

As Promised- here's a link to May's Roundtable newsletter for those who didn't get a copy.

Also not included in the newsletter- but please put it on your calendars-
 The District's Annual Summer Pack Activity- Mountain Man Rendezvous.  August 8, 6:00 pm at the North Park Park in Tremonton.  There will be no cost.  Uniform inspection, and bring your pack flag if you have one!  It will be a fun evening!