Friday, January 10, 2014

January Roundtable handouts

Here is the newsletter from January's roundtable!  Hope to see you all next month!
Here is a copy of the fun pre-opener we played at roundtable
Thanks everyone!
oh, and don't forget about Cub Scout Swim Day!
March 22, 2014
At the Bear River Natatorium
9:00 am Wolves
10:00 am Bears
11:00 am Webelos
*Cost $1 per boy
*!!!!MUST bring 2 leaders, 1 MUST get in the pool with the boys!!!  In order to keep our boys safe, we need the proper supervision.
*Bring consent form and Health forms for everyone!
Tour plan, consent form and health form links can all be found on the top right hand side of the blog ---------->>>>>

Cubmaster helps for February

Our cubmaster session has some wonderful ideas for you as usual! Here are some ideas for your February Pack Meeting, and Blue and Gold Banquet.
Hope these help you and your Cub Scout packs!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Webelos Showman

Browsing my pinterest board-(follow me on Pinterest if you want!)  over the years I've seen so many fun ideas for Webelos puppet shows- The Blue and Gold Banquet is a great time for your Webelos to put on a fun puppet show.  
 Here are a few of the ideas I've found
puppet theatre with spoons- webelos showman
Simple spoon puppets!
marionette- webelos showman
Easter Egg Marionette-
Of course, the old Standy- Sock Puppets-
Sock Puppets
And THESE are Hilarious!
a different kind of finger puppet. Webelos showman pin
What fun things have you done for Webelos Showman?

Webelos Engineer fun

Here's a link to a super fun catapult for your Webelos to build!

Go HERE: for some great step by step instructions! 

Little pom poms are great for the boys to launch- also if you give each boy a certain color of pom pom, you know whose ammunition just got launched at YOU! so you can launch right back at them.

A DaVinci Bridge is a fun type of bridge to build! I have these notched wood pieces you are welcome to borrow!  Or use paint sticks, dowels or other straight sticks to build this fun bridge

Here's a link to a Youtube video that shows you how to build it with paint stirring sticks- you can skip the beginning of the video- and start about 50 seconds in.
Have fun!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cub Scout Swim DAY!!

Cub Scout



Because of the Natatorium revamp- they have changed the swim team’s schedule and are not staffed enough to run the Cub Scout Swim in February.  It will be in March. 

March 22, 2014

At the Bear River Natatorium

9:00 am Wolves

10:00 am Bears

11:00 am Webelos

*Cost $1 per boy

*!!!!MUST bring 2 leaders, 1 MUST get in the pool with the boys!!!  In order to keep our boys safe, we need the proper supervision.

*Bring consent form and Health forms for everyone!

Tour plan, consent form and health form links can all be found on the top right hand side of the blog ---------->>>>>