Friday, December 11, 2015

December Roundtable Newsletter

Here's the Newsletter for December!

Cubmaster Helps from Dec Roundtable

 Roundtable Agenda- with Links to ideas!

Wolf/Bear helps

Here are some AWESOME resources for your Wolf/Bear Dens.

December's Leader Handout- Click on the picture!

Here is a GREAT resource on Den Doodles, 

And one that helps with Wolf and Bear Advancement to help with planning and keeping track of the boys achievements-- ****UPDATED***** 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Roundtable Reminder!

Roundtable Reminder! Tag your favorite Cub Scout Leaders to remind them! We will be having part 1 of Leader Specific Training for Wolf, Bear and Webelos Den Leaders! Bring your Leader Manual, and get trained! Bring your Den Doodle to share with others!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Nov RT Cubmaster Helps plus a bonus Arrow of Light Ceremony

In Cubmaster Session- someone asked about nominations for various Leader Awards-  The District Award of Merit  has an online nomination form-  

There is also an opportunity to nominate leaders for the silver Beaver Award- Here's a link to more information on that

Also a Bonus for you- a SUPER cool Arrow of Light Ceremony- specific to LDS packs- It talks about Captain Moroni, Lehi and other Book of Mormon heroes.  

Wolf and Bear Helps

This was shared in Webelos- but It will be helpful for Wolf/Bear dens as well! Posting it both places.

Webelos Adventure- Duty to God and you

November Roundtable newsletter

Here's the Newsletter from November's Roundtable
a printable copy of the Pack Meeting Planning sheet on the back of the newsletter. 

Here is some more info on Baden Powell University- click here to go register 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Webelos Adventure- Fix It

also here's a link to a helpful chart- 

Cubmaster helps for November!

The Point of the Scout Law is Helpful, and the theme is Cubs in Action.  Here are some fun ideas for your Pack- and some great ways to help your boys learn the scout oath and law.

Also- I posted this with the wolf/bear helps, but it will be helpful for Cubmasters as well- 
Pre-opener bean bag game ideas!

Wolf/Bear helps, Preopener Game ideas

Are you a Wolf/Bear leader all in one? Is yours a combined den?  This great handout will help you match up the Wolf and Bear requirements to help you in your planning.  Thanks to our great Breakout Session leader for putting this together! Wow!

Here are the great pre-opener activities from Roundtable- Bean Bag Golf, and other fun games!

October Roundtable Newsletter

Hello Everyone!  Here is the Newsletter from October's Roundtable
Also here's a flyer on the upcoming Baden-Powell University-  click on it to go register!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Roundtable Guide

Here are the topics for the Roundtables for this Cub Scout year, along with District staff, and Unit Representatives.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Roundtable Announcement!

Cub Leaders!! Come 15 minutes early for a FUN hands-on pre-opener activity you can use with your packs and dens!

After the Speaker, come back to the same pre-opener area for leader specific handouts and Cracker Barrel.  


Friday, August 14, 2015

August Roundtable Newsletter

First off- HUGE CHANGES!!!

Starting Next month in September, we will be meeting at the Tremonton WEST Stake Center instead of the church in Garland!

Cub Leaders- We will have some Super fun Pre-Opener Actvities- starting at 6:45 each month. Come a little early for some great fun!

Cubmaster helps for September 2015

Here are some helps for September's Pack Meetings!

Flag Ceremony Helps

In our Cubmasters breakout session last night, they talked about Flag Ceremonies.  Here is the helpful handout from that class.

Click on the picture for the full pdf file!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Webelos Helps for August Roundtable

Here are some Ideas for your Webelos Den to work on this month!

Click on image for the rest of the pages!

These worksheets will also be helpful!

Welcome to our Den information letters

Welcome to our Wolf Den Letter-

 you can edit it, and add your pack number, leaders names and phone numbers, and print it for your boys!  Each sheet has the simple basic requirements to earn their rank advancement.

Welcome to our Bear Den Letter-

 you can edit it, and add your pack number, leaders names and phone numbers, and print it for your boys!
Each sheet has the simple basic requirements to earn their rank advancement.

Welcome to our Webelos/Arrow of Light Den Letter-

 you can edit it, and add your pack number, leaders names and phone numbers, and print it for your boys!  Each sheet has the simple basic requirements to earn their rank advancement.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Webelos and Faith in God

I previously posted the wolf-  and Bear  requirements lined up with the LDS Faith in God Requirements.  As Promised- here are the Webelos correlations. And there are even more! Remember- for the Faith in God Program, the boys only need to complete 2 activities in each of the 3 sections.  This is SO easily accomplished through the adventures!

Here is a link to a Printable Version-

Cub Adventure
Faith in God requirement
Webelos Required Adventures

Cast Iron Chef 2
 Set personal nutritional goals. Keep a food journal for one week; review your journal to determine if the goals were met.
Developing Talents #9
Learn about and practice good nutrition, good health, and good grooming, including modest dress.

Cast Iron Chef 3
Plan a menu for a balanced meal for your den or family. Determine the budget for the meal. Shop for the items on your menu while staying within your budget
Developing Talents  1
Learn how to budget and save money. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10–11). Pay your tithing and begin saving for a mission.

Serving Others #4
 Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal.
Cast Iron chef 4.
Prepare a balanced meal for your den or family; utilize one of the methods below for preparation of part of your meal: a. Camp stove b. Dutch oven c. Box oven d. Solar oven e. Open campfire or charcoal
Serving Others #4
 Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal.
Duty to God 1
 Earn the religious emblem of your faith for Webelos Scouts, if you have not already done so
 Completion of all activities in this guidebook marked with a knot iconqualifies a boy for the Scouting Religious Square Knot patch.
Duty to God 2.
 Complete at least three of requirements 2a–2d:
 a. Help plan, support, or actively participate in a service of worship or reflection. Show reverence during the service.
 b. Review with your family or den members what you have learned about your duty to God.
 c. Discuss with your family, family’s faith leader, or other trusted adult how planning and participating in a service of worship or reflection helps you live your duty to God.
d. List one thing that will bring you closer to doing your duty to God, and practice it for one month. Write down what you will do each day to remind you.
Learning and Living the Gospel- ALL
Stronger, Faster, Higher  ALL
Developing Talents #8
Plan a physical fitness program for yourself that may include learning to play a sport or game. Participate in the program for one month.

Webelos Walkabout 4
Before your hike, plan and prepare a nutritious lunch. Enjoy it on your hike, and clean up afterward.
Serving Others #4
 Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal.
Webelos Walkabout 6.
 With your Webelos den or with a family member, hike 3 miles (in the country, if possible).
Serving Others #7
Plan and hold a parent-child activity, such as a dinner, picnic, hike, day trip, or service project.

Webelos Walkabout  7.
Complete a service project on or near the hike location.
Serving Others #1 Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30–37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.

Building a Better World 2.
 Learn about and describe your rights and duties as a citizen, and explain what it means to be loyal to your country.
Serving Others #8
Read the twelfth article of faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and how your actions can affect others. knot icon

Building a Better World 5.
Learn about your family’s expenses, and help brainstorm ways to save money. Plan and manage a budget.
Developing Talents  1
Learn how to budget and save money. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10–11). Pay your tithing and begin saving for a mission.

Camper 1
 With the help of your den leader or family, plan and conduct a campout. If your chartered organization does not permit Cub Scout camping, you may substitute a family campout or a daylong outdoor activity with your den or pack.
Serving Others #7
Plan and hold a parent-child activity, such as a dinner, picnic, hike, day trip, or service project.

Arrow of Light  Required Adventures

Duty to God in Action 1.
Earn the religious emblem of your faith for Webelos Scouts, if you have not already done so.
 Completion of all activities in this guidebook marked with a knot iconqualifies a boy for the Scouting Religious Square Knot patch.
Duty to God in Action 2. Do requirement 2a and any two from requirements 2b–2e:
a. With your parent, guardian, or religious or spiritual leader, discuss and make a plan to do two things you think will help you better do your duty to God. Do these things for a month.
b. Discuss with your family how the Scout Oath and Scout Law relate to your beliefs about duty to God.
c. For at least a month, pray or reverently meditate each day as taught by your family or faith community.
d. Read at least two accounts of people in history who have done their duty to God. (This can include family members and ancestors.) List their names and how they showed their duty to God.
e. Under the direction of your parent, guardian, or religious or spiritual leader, do an act of service for someone in your family, neighborhood, or community. Talk about your service with your family and your Webelos den leader. Tell your family, den, or den leader how it related to doing your duty to God
Learning and Living the Gospel- ALL

Learning and Living the Gospel #8
Prepare a pedigree chart with your name and your parents’ and grandparents’ names. Prepare a family group record for your family and share a family story. Discuss how performing temple work blesses families. knot icon

Serving Others #1 Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30–37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.

Webelos & Arrow of Light  Electives

Aquanaut  5.
Attempt the BSA swimmer test.

Aquanaut  6.
 Demonstrate the precautions you must take before attempting to dive headfirst into the water, and attempt a front surface dive.
Devloping Talents #8  
Plan a physical fitness program for yourself that may include learning to play a sport or game. Participate in the program for one month.

Art Explosion 1.
Visit an art museum, gallery, or exhibit. Discuss with an adult the art you saw. What did you like?
Developing Talents 5
Visit an art museum or attend a concert, play, or other cultural event. Share your experience with your family or activity day group.

Art Explosion  2.
Create two self-portraits using two different techniques, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and computer illustration. Art Explosion  3.
Do two of the following: ….
Art Explosion  4.
Choose one of the following methods to show your artwork:….
Developing Talents 4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.

Aware and Care 7g.
Participate in a service project that focuses on a specific disability
Serving Others #1 Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30–37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.

Adventure: Build It 2.
With the guidance of your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, select a carpentry project and build it.
Developing Talents 4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
Build My Own Hero 1.
 Discover what it means to be a hero. Invite a local hero to meet with your den.
Serving Others 3
Make a list of the qualities you like in a person. Choose one quality to develop in yourself. Discuss how showing respect and kindness strengthens you, your family, and others.

Castaway  1b .
On a campout with your den or family, cook two different recipes that do not require pots and pans. If your chartered organization does not permit Cub Scout camping, you may substitute a family campout or a daylong outdoor activity with your den or pack
Serving Others #4
 Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal.
Fix It 4.
 Let’s Fix It. Select and do eight of the following. You will need an adult’s supervision for each of these Fix It projects:….
Developing Talents 7
List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work.
Maestro! 1a
 Attend a live musical performance
Developing Talents 5
Visit an art museum or attend a concert, play, or other cultural event. Share your experience with your family or activity day group.
Maestro! 2a
Make a musical instrument. Play it for your family, den, or pack

 Teach your den the words and melody of a song. Perform the song with your den at your den or pack meeting.
Developing Talents 2
Learn to sing, play, or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in a family home evening or at Primary. Discuss how developing talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others
Moviemaking 1.
Write a story outline describing a real or imaginary Scouting adventure. Create a pictured storyboard that shows your story.

2. Create either an animated or live action movie about yourself. Your movie should depict how you live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Developing Talents 3
Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations. knot icon

Project Family 2.
Talk with members of your family about your family name, history, traditions, and culture. Create a family tree of three generations, or make a poster or Web page that shows the origins of your ancestors. Or choose a special celebration or holiday that your family participates in, and create either a poster, picture, or photo slideshow of it. Share this project with your den.
Learning and Living the Gospel 8
Prepare a pedigree chart with your name and your parents’ and grandparents’ names. Prepare a family group record for your family and share a family story. Discuss how performing temple work blesses families. knot icon

Project Family 3.
 Show your understanding of your duty to family by creating a chart listing the jobs that you and other family members have at home. Choose three of the jobs you are responsible for, and chart them for two weeks
Developing Talents 7
List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work.
Project Family 4.
Select ONE of the jobs below that belongs to another family member, and help that person complete it:
 a. Create a grocery shopping list for the week.
 b. Complete the laundry for your family one time. c. Help prepare meals for your family for one day
Developing Talents 7
List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work.
Project Family  5.
Create a list of community service or conservation projects that you and your family can do together, and present it to your family. Select one project, plan it, and complete it with your family
Serving Others #1 Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30–37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.
Sportsman 2.
While you are a Webelos Scout, participate in two individual sports.
 Sportsman 3.
While you are a Webelos Scout, play two team sports.
Devloping Talents #8  
Plan a physical fitness program for yourself that may include learning to play a sport or game. Participate in the program for one month.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cub Scouts District Activity!

here's a Flyer on the Upcoming Cub Scouts District Summertime Pack Activity!

Reminder- No Roundtable in  July- We Will be having Roundtable in August right after the District Activity- at the Park!

It'll be great! Spread the word! 
Click on Picture for a printable PDF file! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Cubmaster helps for July and August's pack meetings

Here are some great helps from our Cubmaster breakout session.

Here's the Flag ceremony we used in the opening.  just print it out, and glue the parts on the back of the letter signs!