Friday, May 15, 2015

May's Newsletter and Cub master helps!

Thanks to everyone for all your work with Cub Scouts in our Area.  You are amazing!

Heads up!!!!!  August's Roundtable will be held August 13th at North Park park, under the Bowery,  7:00 pm--- after the amazing district Cub Scout activity--- which will begin at 5:30.  Put these on your calendar!

Here's the newsletter for those who missed roundtable-

And here's some Cubmaster helps as well!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

LDS Faith in God and New Bear Program

In a Previous Post- I noted how well the Wolf  adventures went right along with the LDS Faith in God Program.  As promised, here is the Bear version.   And there are even more! Remember- for the Faith in God Program, the boys only need to complete 2 activities in each of the 3 sections.  This is SO easily accomplished through the adventures!

Click HERE for a Printable version!
Cub Adventure
Faith in God requirement

Bear  Claws 3
 Using a pocketknife, carve two items
Developing Talents #4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
Bear necessities 2
Attend a campfire show, and participate by performing a song or skit with your den.
Developing Talents #3
Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations. knot icon  
Developing Talents #2
Learn to sing, play, or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in a family home evening or at Primary. Discuss how developing talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others.
Bear Necessities 5
With your den, plan a cooked lunch or dinner that is nutritious and balanced.  Make a shopping list, and help shop for the food.  On a campout or at another outdoor event, help cook the meal and help clean up afterward
Serving others #3
Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal

Fellowship and Duty to God  1
Earn Religious Knot
Fellowship and Duty to God 2 b
Learning and Living the Gospel – ALL!!!
Grin and Bear it #3
Help younger Cub Scouts take part in one of the events at the Cub Scout carnival.
Serving Others #5
 Entertain young children with songs or games you have learned or made yourself. Show that you know how to care for and protect a young child.

Paws for Action 1
Visit a local sheriff’s office or police station or talk with a law enforcement officer visiting your den.
Serving Others #8  
Read the twelfth article of faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and how your actions can affect others. knot icon

Paws for Action 3b
Do a cleanup project that benefits your community.
Serving Others #1
Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30–37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.
Baloo the Builder 3
Select and build one useful project and one fun project using wood.
Developing Talents #4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
Bear Picnic Basket  1a
… include two recipes for nutritious snacks…”
Living and Learning the Gospel #6 Read D&C 89. Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom. Help plan and conduct an activity to teach the Word of Wisdom to others.
Bear Picnic Basket 1c
Go on a grocery shopping trip with your den or with an adult.  Check the price of different brands of one single item, and compare the price of a ready-made item with the price of the same item you would make yourself.
Developing Talents #1
Learn how to budget and save money. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10–11). Pay your tithing and begin saving for a mission.

Bear Picnic Basket  2a
With the help of an adult, select one food item, and follow a recipe to prepare it for your family in your kitchen.
With the help of an adult, select one food item, and follow a recipe to prepare it outdoors for your family or den
Serving others #3
Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal

Bear picnic Basket 3
Select and prepare two nutritious snacks for yourself, your family or your den
Developing Talents #9
Learn about and practice good nutrition, good health, and good grooming, including modest dress.
Beat of the Drum 2
Write a legend
Developing Talents #3
Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations. knot icon  

Beat of the Drum
 3 Make a dream catcher

4 Make a Craft
Developing Talents #4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
Beat of the Drum 5
Make a drum.  Once your drum is complete, create a ceremonial song
Developing Talents #2
Learn to sing, play, or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in a family home evening or at Primary. Discuss how developing talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others.
Beat of the drum 6
Visit an Order of the Arrow dance ceremony or American Indian event within your community
 Developing Talents #5
Visit an art museum or attend a concert, play, or other cultural event. Share your experience with your family or activity day group.
Beat of the drum 7
Learn about ceremonial dances and learn dance steps

Create a dance
Developing Talents #8
Plan a physical fitness program for yourself that may include learning to play a sport or game. Participate in the program for one month.

Make it Move 4b
Construct a real Rube Goldbert-type machine
Developing Talents #4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
Roaring Laughter 3
Developing Talents #3
Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations. knot icon  
A World of Sound
1-      Make a mbira
2-      Make a sistrum
3-      Make a rain stick
Developing Talents #4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
Developing Talents #2
Learn to sing, play, or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in a family home evening or at Primary. Discuss how developing talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

LDS Faith in God for boys and the New Wolf Adventures

Ok, I'll admit it, when I watched the LDS specific broadcast, and she talked about how the Faith in God was already coorelated with the new program-through the home based- Duty to God Adventures, and then the other adventures, the Faith in God would be getting done I had my doubts. It couldn't really be that easy could it?

So I got to looking- Here's what I found just in the Wolves! (bears, webelos and arrow of light to come!)
Each year, the boys need to do 2 things in each of the 3 sections, Serving others, Learning and Living the Gospel, and Developing Talents.   Take a look at how nicely they do go right along with each other!
Click Here for a Printable Version 

Cub Adventure
Faith in God requirement

Council Fire,
 4b- Work together on a community service project.
Serving Others #1
Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30–37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.
Council Fire 5- Talk to a military veteran, law enforcement officer, member of the fire department or someone else who works for the community.  Talk about his or her service to the community.  After you have visited with the individual, write a short thank you note.
Serving Others #2
Write a letter to a teacher, your parents, or your grandparents telling them what you appreciate and respect about them. knot icon

Or Serving Others #8
 Read the twelfth article of faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and how your actions can affect others. knot icon
Duty to God 2 a
Give 2 ideas on how you can practice your Duty to God.  Choose one, and do it for a week.
Learning and Living the Gospel – ALL!!!

Duty to God 2b
 Learn and sing a song that could be sung in reverence before or after meals or one that gives encouragement, reminds you of how to show reverence, or demonstrates your duty to God
Learning and Living the Gospel- #9
Learn to sing “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239). Explain what agency is and what it means to be responsible for your choices. Discuss how making good choices has helped you develop greater faith.

Howling at the Moon 2
Work together with your den to create an original skit
Developing Talents #3
Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations. knot icon  

Running with the Pack-  1-5
Play catch, practice balancing, practice flexibility, play a sport or game
Developing Talents #8
Plan a physical fitness program for yourself that may include learning to play a sport or game. Participate in the program for one month.
Running with the Pack 6
Demonstrate what it means to eat a balanced diet by helping to plan a healthy menu of a meal for your family.  Make a shopping list of the food used to prepare the meal.
Developing Talents #9
Learn about and practice good nutrition, good health, and good grooming, including modest dress.

Learning and Living the Gospel #7
Read D&C 89. Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom. Help plan and conduct an activity to teach the Word of Wisdom to others.
Air of the Wolf 2b
Create a musical wind instrument, and play it as part of a den band.
Developing Talents #2
Learn to sing, play, or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in a family home evening or at Primary. Discuss how developing talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others.
Air of the Wolf 3b
Make a kite using household materials
Developing Talents #4
Make an item from wood, metal, fabric, or other material, or draw, paint, or sculpt a piece of art. Display your finished work for others to see.
Germs Alive
knot iconDeveloping Talents #9
Learn about and practice good nutrition, good health, and good grooming, including modest dress.
Hometown Heroes  1
Talk with your family and den about what it means to you to be a hero.  Share the name of someone you believe is a hero.  Explain what it is that makes that person a hero.
Serving others #3
Make a list of the qualities you like in a person. Choose one quality to develop in yourself. Discuss how showing respect and kindness strengthens you, your family, and others.

Paws of Skill- all

Developing Talents #8
Plan a physical fitness program for yourself that may include learning to play a sport or game. Participate in the program for one month.