Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ceremony Creator

While searching for a fun ceremony for my pack- I found this great resource-  Cub Scout Ceremonies for Packs and Dens
This looks like a great blueprint for many ceremonies.
Choose one or more phrases from each area. Add your own personal words for each occasion.
1. Will the following __________________ please come forward. (Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, special guests, leaders, families, dens, other:________________________)
2. Before you stands _________________. (A candle, a light, a Cub Scout handbook, Akela, a ladder, a neckerchief, a trail, your leader, a bucket, a tripod, a religious symbol, a bridge, a box, the pack, a branch, a picture, your parents, other: _____________)
3. This represents ___________________. (The spirit of Scouting, the pack, your future, our dedication, character, fun and adventure, our religious organization, your den, your advancement, fitness, the family, good deeds, your accomplishments, the world, our community, other: _____________)
4. You have earned this award by _________________. (Helping others, joining the pack, being the best ___________, doing your best, completing achievements, collecting ______________, helping boys grow, helping with _____________, serving as ______________, being a denner, selling the most_______________, serving for _______ years, other:__________________)
5. Please accept this award and continue to _____________________. (Do your best, give goodwill, help the pack go, come to meetings, follow Akela, help your boy, work hard, grow strong, follow the trail, other: _________________)
6. Will the pack please join me in congratulations for this award. (Lead an appropriate applause.)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Cubmaster helps for May's Meetings

Here is the helps from April's Roundtable.  Some great ideas to go along with Health and Fitness, and the Theme- Destination: Parks
Thanks to our wonderful Cubmaster leaders!

April Roundtable Newseltter

Here is the Newsletter from April's Roundtable.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Leader Knot requirements

Last month at Roundtable I had someone ask about knot requirements for leaders.  So I did some searching!  Here's what I found:

Den Leaders- The Form is found here : 

Den Leader Knot requirements:

Note: This award can be earned in each position, but tenure may be used only for one award.

Complete one year as a registered den leader in the position selected. Tiger Cub den leader’s tenure can be the program year as long as it is greater than eight months.
❏ Complete the basic training for the selected den leader position.
❏ Complete This Is Scouting training.
❏ Attend a pow wow or university of Scouting (or equivalent), or attend at least four roundtables (or equivalent) during the tenure used for this award.

Do five of the following during the tenure used for this award:
❏ Have an assistant den leader who meets regularly with your den.
❏ Have a den chief who meets regularly with your den.
❏ Graduate at least 70 percent of your den to the next level.
❏ Take leadership in planning and conducting a den service project.
❏ Have a published den meeting/activity schedule for the den’s parents.
❏ Participate with your den in a Cub Scout day camp or resident camp.
❏ Complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO).
❏ Complete Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders.
❏ Participate with your den in at least one family camp; if your den is a Webelos den, participate with your den in at least two overnight camps.
❏ Take leadership in planning two den outdoor activities.
❏ Hold monthly den meeting and den activity planning sessions with your assistant den leaders.

 Here is a link to the Cubmaster form-

Cubmaster Knot Requirements

Within a five-year period, complete at least three years of registered tenure as a Cubmaster or one year as a registered assistant Cubmaster plus two years as a registered Cubmaster. (This can include the tenure used to earn the Scouter’s Training Award.)
❏ Complete basic training for Cubmasters.
❏ Complete This Is Scouting training.
❏ Attend a pow wow or university of Scouting (or equivalent), or attend at least four roundtables (or equivalent) during each year of the tenure used for this award.
Do the following during the tenure used for this award:
❏ Achieve at least the Silver level of Journey to Excellence for at least two years. The Quality Unit Award is acceptable if the tenure used is prior to 2011.
❏ Earn the National Summertime Pack Award at least once.
❏ Conduct an annual pack planning session and have a published pack meeting/activity schedule for the pack’s parents in each year.
❏ Participate in at least one additional supplemental or  advanced training event at the council, area, region, or national level.

There is also a Cub Scout Training award-