While searching for a fun ceremony for my pack- I found this great resource- Cub Scout Ceremonies for Packs and Dens
This looks like a great blueprint for many ceremonies.
Choose one or more phrases from each area.
Add your own personal words for each occasion.
1. Will the following __________________
please come forward. (Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos
Scouts, special guests, leaders, families, dens,
2. Before you stands _________________. (A
candle, a light, a Cub Scout handbook, Akela, a
ladder, a neckerchief, a trail, your leader, a
bucket, a tripod, a religious symbol, a bridge, a box, the
pack, a branch, a picture, your parents, other:
3. This represents ___________________.
(The spirit of Scouting, the pack, your future, our
dedication, character, fun and adventure, our religious
organization, your den, your advancement, fitness, the
family, good deeds, your accomplishments, the world, our
community, other: _____________)
4. You have earned this award by
_________________. (Helping others, joining the pack, being
the best ___________, doing your best, completing
achievements, collecting ______________, helping boys grow, helping with _____________, serving
as ______________, being a denner, selling
the most_______________, serving for _______ years,
5. Please accept this award and continue to _____________________. (Do your best, give
goodwill, help the pack go, come to meetings, follow Akela, help your boy, work hard, grow
strong, follow the trail, other: _________________)
6. Will the pack please join me in
congratulations for this award. (Lead an appropriate applause.)