Friday, January 15, 2016

Den Chiefs

Do you have a Den Chief?  If not- You NEED one!

Here's a Great Den Leader's Guide to Den Chiefs!

This short Guide is meant to give you a good idea of what Den Chiefs are and how they can help you in your role as Den Leader.
In this Guide, we will briefly discuss the following topics:
 The Role of the Den Chief
 Where Den Chiefs come from & how do they know what to do?
 Your responsibility to the Den Chief
 Your Den Chief’s responsibility to You & the Den
 What a Den Chief is NOT
 Communication with your Den Chief
 Using Den Chiefs at Pack Meetings
 Age and Maturity Level of Den Chiefs
 Den Chiefs Success Checklist

Click on the Picture to access the file!

Understanding Cub Scout Age Boys- 

To understand where we want them to go, we need to understand where they are. The Cub Scout years are a time of rapid development for young boys, falling between the total dependence of early childhood and the relative independence of early adolescence.
Cub Scout–age boys are becoming more competent, and they need to be able to demonstrate what they can do— whether it’s climbing fences, performing stunts on their bikes or skateboards, or taking dares.

Wolf/Bear Ideas

 Here are some Great Wolf/Bear helps- Click on the pics to download- and get 3 more great pages!

Also- go check out the whole blog post on the Minion Ideas!

Also- some fun cutting/Pasting ideas for the Wolf Running with the Pack achievement!

Webelos Helps

Here are some Webelos helps for Stronger, Faster, Higher Activity Pin.  Click on the Pictures to download the file!
Plus 2 more FULL PAGES of fun stuff!  Including ideas for an awesome Pool Noodle Obstacle course!

This exercise log looks like great fun for the Boys!

And- As we talked about in the breakout session- here is the list of ALL the requirements-

Minions blue and Gold

Ok- can I just Say- this is the CUTEST ever! (eerrrr, as far as Cub Scout language, I think you have to say the "COOLEST" ever, I think they don't go for "cute")





And SO much More!! Click on the pics to download the file.  

Cubmaster's January Roundtable ideas!

 First off- Great ideas from our cubmaster Breakout Session-

Next- A SUPER helpful chart that shows the Pack Meeting Adventure Requirement and Opportunities!   

January Newsletter

Here's our January Roundtable newsletter- check the back for tons of Blue and Gold theme ideas.  Also- heads up- Cub Scout Swim day- March 12th at the BRHS Natatorium.